Freelancer working from home. Woman making jewellery and selling merchandise online.

Sell successfully via Etsy

With a few tips and tricks can be successfully sold on Etsy and thus generate an income. The following presents what can be sold, how to create a store, how to promote products well and how to establish yourself as a brand.

What is offered through Etsy?

Etsy is a platform on which homemade things are offered. An easy way to get started, for example, is to offer jewelry. Material can be purchased via a wholesale for jewelry accessories. From this material, jewelry pieces are lovingly made, which can be sold via Etsy.

The best tips for successful selling on Etsy

A few tips will help to sell successfully on Etsy:

Professional images

The images should be appealing and well designed. This includes making sure the product is easily recognizable on them.

Good product descriptions

Products should be described in detail. Keywords should be used to make them easier to find in search results.

Clear pricing

Prices should be realistic and match. Selling high-priced jewelry and cheap small pendants in one store at the same time usually doesn’t work.

Fast delivery times

Fast delivery times can help keep customers satisfied and happy to store at the store.

Engage customers

A positive shopping experience can keep customers loyal to the store.


The cardboard word ETSYThere are several ways in which an offer can be marketed and made visible. First, ensure that there is a clear and detailed description of the product that includes all the important information. This includes the size, material, color and care instructions of the product. Social media platforms are a great way to attract customers. For this, however, the product description must be flawless, otherwise potential customers will quickly jump away. A dedicated Facebook page for the store can also promote it. Also through an Instagram account, photos of the products can be posted regularly. Another way to market the offer is to participate in Etsy markets and events. There, the goods can be sold directly to customers and valuable feedback can be received.

Tools for success

To sell successfully on Etsy, it is important to use the right tools. One of the most useful features is the Etsy dashboard, which gives an overview of sales, visitor numbers and other important figures. The integrated store manager can be used to manage and optimize the offer by adding keywords, for example. The Etsy SEO tool is also a must-have to optimize the products in the search results and thus drive more traffic to your site.

Kaspars Grinvalds – –